Certificate URL Code for Organizations

Certificate URL Code for Organizations

Biological Threat Security

CBTS and COC19 Compliance Certificate


Security Organizations from around the world are joining together in a bid to include the security industry into the methodology to limit the level of collateral damage related to the active biological threat and associated trailing threats.

 The Bearer of the CBTS obtains the Assessors Certificate with the CBTS. Practitioners armed with the CBTS are able to site manage, train and assess sites for the COC19 Compliance Certificate for using Security Covid-19 Protocols.

There is a difference between the protocols set by the health community and the security industry

These Certificates Address both

The Active Biological Mutating Threat and enhances Crime Security of the Site besides providing a higher sense of emotional security to customers avoiding the site.

Security Success depends on the level of situational awareness
of the people on the ground and their reaction speed


Conditions: All sites need at least one person or service provider that has the CBTS Certificate to ensure the site is Compliant for Security Covid-19 Protocols.

Security Service Providers can pass-long their certificate to their clients!


Steps to acquire the Certificates

  • Get the HIM Tool which contains all protocols and other vital information (USD$53 in total for the year)

  • After going through the Tool contact your preferred organization (click logo) for virtual interview

  • If accepted, begin the process to become Certified for Biological Threat Security

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